Thursday, April 12, 2012

Introduction to Alternate Energy Development

Alternative or renewable energy are non conventional energy sources, which comes from renewable natural resources. These renewable natural resources include sunlight, wind, hydroelectric, tides, geothermal, biofuels, biomass, hydrogen fuel, etc. Renewable sources of energy are those forms of energy, which can be renewed on a regular basis, sustainable, nonpolluting, and efficient. Alternative fuels include biodiesel, alcohols, batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen, non fossil methane and natural gas, vegetable oils, and other biomass sources.

Alternative energy development involves use of non-conventional sources for energy production using materials such as sustainable fuels, fuel cells, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal energy etc. With the rapid depletion of all conventional means of energy, there is a need to search for alternative energy resources. Alternative sources helps to supplement conventional energy sources and also it is a means for future energy supply. Conventional fuels will rapidly undergo depletion in the coming years with an ever increasing use of it. Conventional fuels including fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, natural gas as well as nuclear material like uranium, thorium, and artificial radioisotope fuels undergo rapid depletion in a very short span of time. Alternative and renewable fuels like those found from sources other than fossil fuels are the only safe and usable fuels in the coming future and are sustainable.

The over exploitation of nonrenewable or conventional resources is now becoming a source of pollution and also causing global warming. The widespread use of nonrenewable resources are causing air pollution and environmental pollution. The increasing amount of air, water, and land pollution due to excessive use of fossil fuels and other nonrenewable fuels are causing many harmful effects on human beings. Environmental pollution results in many diseases such as respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases, many types of cancers, increasing mortality rate of human beings. There is increasing evidence suggesting the use of fossil fuels and other nonrenewable fuels contributing to the climate change. Global warming is becoming a global phenomena becoming more serious day by day with increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other green house gases pumped into the atmosphere. The overall rise in temperature is causing major changes in weather patterns like floods, droughts, heatwaves, cold spells, melting of polar ice caps, and dumping of melted permafreeze into temperate regions, record high snow falls, and unusual weather patterns in many parts of the world. Global warming is also causing sea level rise in many parts of the world with several low lying land masses going under water which includes many seaside metropolitan cities, low lying countries, and island nations. The depletion of ozone layer of the atmosphere due to emission of CFCs a byproduct of burning fuels is causing UV radiation exposure from the sun leading to skin cancers and skin burns. The concentration of carbon dioxide is constantly increasing through the years in the atmosphere and consequent decrease in oxygen, which makes it difficult to sustain life on earth.

The stubborn human nature of not being able to comprehend any imminent disaster or danger and not able to read the words of wise people will create a situation of major catastrophe and destruction. It may lead to a slow and painful demise of the human race. It is not the lack of knowledge that he suffers from, but the sheer indifference, the lack of will, the negativity, the suicidal tendency, the lack of determination to do what is right in life, or even to know what the meaning of life is!

It is extremely important for man to transition from excessive burning of fossil fuels and nuclear materials and change to those based on renewable sources of energy as it becomes ever more important, urgent, and need of the hour. When the world becomes sick with all the byproducts of burning fossil fuels, buried deposits of fossils that were created through millions of years and nuclear waste. It is important to make a transition from an economy based on nonrenewable energy sources to one based on renewable sources. The development of alternative energy sources and renewable energy helps save the life of man from the over use of fossil fuels, hazardous nuclear materials, or unsustainable fuels. It is also important to change unsustainable lifestyles and practices to ones based on renewable resources and sustainable living.

Investing in renewable sources of energy and alternative energy development helps to stop the ill effects of fossil fuel, nuclear fuel use and its pollution. Relying more on renewable sources of energy and sustainable living will help in saving and sustaining the life of human beings and all other forms of life on earth.
