Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wind Energy As a Renewable Source

Wind energy is obtained from the wind, which can be converted into many other useful forms of energy. Wind is caused by the difference in air pressure from one place to another. The temperature of a place varies from another which causes warmer air to rise and cold air is replaced in that place. The wind blows from a higher pressure area to the lower pressure. The speed of wind depends on several factors such as temperature, air pressure, geographical location, rotation of the earth, etc. Wind energy has been harnessed by mankind for different purposes such as sailing a ship, windmills for grinding corn, pumping water, blowing off chaff from the grains etc.

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Wind Turbines
Wind energy can also be harnessed and utilized for generating electricity. It is used to propel the blades of the wind turbines. When the wind blows it turns the blades of the turbine, the mechanical energy of the rotating blade is converted into electrical energy in the turbines. Wind turbines are suitable where the force of the wind is strong and steady, producing more electricity. Places such as offshore, coastal areas, hill tops, and mountainous gaps etc. has strong wind currents. The wind turbines are fixed on long wind turbine posts where the turbine and the blades are fixed. The height of the tower is taller so that the blades are high enough to catch the wind where it is stronger.

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The propellers or blades of the wind turbines are made large enough so that they can harness even the faintest of the air currents. The blades are angled to drive the turbine and also to provide rotation at all wind speeds, which are measured before installation. The propeller is also designed to turn to the direction of the wind so that it can move with the wind coming from any direction. The electricity generator of the turbine is mounted behind the turbine where the electricity is produced.  Electricity is transmitted through long electric transmission lines to the central grid connecting the households. Large scale wind towers together, known as wind farms, provide electricity to many households while small and individual wind turbines provide electricity to individual houses or neighborhoods. More wind turbines are needed to cover the electricity deficit in many towns and cities. The land beneath the wind turbines can be used for other purposes as well.

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Wind energy is non polluting and does not cause the production of greenhouse gasses.
Wind energy is a renewable source of energy that is constantly renewed and never run out.
The land area that is used for wind farm can still be used for other purposes such as agriculture, farming, grazing etc.
Wind mills can be built offshore and on rocky coasts, where the force of the wind is greater and therefore reliable source of electricity and there is no interference on land.

Wind energy is intermittent because the wind is not constant at all times and not predictable.
Consistent wind is needed for continuous and sustained power generation.
Big wind farms will have a negative impact on the scenic beauty of the place.
Wind mills may cause harm to migratory birds that pass through very large wind farms.
It can cause television interference when you live nearby a wind turbine.
Wind turbines can be noisy and can irritate you when you sleep.

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